Explore the schedule

Over the course of two days together, we  will engage in collaborative hands-on sessions, listen to actionable talks, meet each other and practitioners who are working on the community, capital and culture we need, and have ample time for reflection, discussion, collective problem-solving, and being in relation with each other.

DazzleCon is developed in deep collaboration with our Zebras Unite Co-op Members and partners.

Due to the deeply participatory nature of this event, content and timing are subject to change.


We’re excited to feature the voices of entrepreneurs and leaders from around the globe.

It’s time to reimagine the way we do business.

DazzleCon is an intimate, curated event with attendance capped at 150 people. If you are a Zebras-aligned entrepreneur, funder, or allied practitioner, we invite you to join us. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis until the event is full, so be sure to apply early!

DazzleCon attending viewing the collaboration wall at DazzleCon.

We hope to see you there!


Live Media Production

Self-Care & Community Nourishment

Facilitated Support & Networking